An Illustrated Guide To Posting Pictures On The Forum

Posting, Part Two

OK, you've followed Step One and hosted some images on Photobucket. Step Two is to get the location of the pic and use 'BB Code' to post it on a thread for all to see.

With images on Photobucket this is easy as they provide the code underneath each image in your gallery. With other images on the web there's an extra few steps.

Section One

(for images not on photobucket)

a: locate the image you'd like to use, e.g. something from www.socalcustoms.com (a hotrod site)


Then 'right click' the image to bring up the pop up menu and select 'Properties'


You then need to select the 'Address [URL]' text - this is the link to the picture itself. Once selected you need to press 'control + c' on your keyboard to copy the image location.

Section Two.
OK, now you should have the address of a picture copied onto the PC's clipboard, either by using PhotoBuckets helpful text or the 'long way' described above.

The next step is to post it in a thread ...


So, you've started a new thread or are replying to another post. You need to paste the address of the pic into the reply - you should already have the address in the pcs clipboard, so just press 'control+v' or select 'paste' from the edit menu and the address should appear.


If you used Photobucket, then the proper code will already be inserted. If you copied a pic from somewhere else then you need to add the correct 'BB Code' so that it displays correctly. This means adding [url] to the start and [/url] to the end of the address. The pic will not display without these!




Assuming everything went well, the preview should show your pic, so just click 'post' and you're done!
If the pic doesn't show, check your post to make sure you have the proper image tags. Problems can be caused by:

  • Spaces in the address
  • spaces inbetween the [url] and the address
  • punctuation in the address - make sure there isn't a full stop at the end
  • using the address of the page, not the pic, double check!
Hopefully you should now be able to post images - not so hard was it :)

See Main Page for other forum tutorials
