OK, you've managed to save some great pics from a site thats no longer on the net or you've taken some smashing photos with your digicam and you feel the need to chare them with the world on your favourite forum...
Posting images on VZi and other
'BB Code' forums is pretty straightforward as long as you can meet two goals:
a: the image you want to display needs to be on the internet somewhere
b: the site the image is on must allow 'remote linking'
A quick explanation of the points above ... (a) is needed as we, the general public, cannot (luckily for you) see files located on your personal computer, therefore they need to be hosted on a website so that we can all enjoy them. (b) is more of a limitation on most 'free webspace' providers. Potentially, posting an image on a popular forum can generate thousands of 'hits', if we, the general public, are just looking at that image and not the webpage it should reside on, then the hosting company are theoretically being done out of potential advertising viewing. SO, most free hosts 'disable remote linking' and thus pics on those sites will not work on forums. Notable examples are Tripod and GeoCities. MSN groups can be tweaked to allow image posting but is not worth the effort when there are easier ways.
Step up PhotoBucket .... they run a free picture hosting service that allows remote linking on forums, eBay, whatever and it's also easy to setup...
Note: these screenshots are way out of date, this is being fixed as soon as I get a chance ... :)
Step One: